HHBC Missionaries

Diana Ferrell

Jinja, Uganda

Val Campbell

Vesces, Hungary

Cathy Thompson

Vesces, Hungary

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Brian & Tami Olling

Prishtina, Kosovo

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Diana Ferrell

Jinja, Uganda

Diana Ferrell lives in Jinja, Uganda. Our church has helped send Diana to reach people in East Africa for Christ and disciple them.

Diana and her staff have been visiting villages all over Uganda training through the local church in reproductive health, trauma healing, and alpha. They also conduct evangelism outreach and community health outreach with the local churches, Diana even opens her home to youth from her church in Jinja for Bible study and free movie nights with popcorn, soda, a movie and discussion afterward.

Over the past year, 138 souls have come to know Christ as their personal savior through Diana’s ministry.

Val Campbell

Vesces, Hungary

Valeria was born into a Christian home and received the LORD as her personal Savior at age eight. While in college and studying to be a dentist she felt called to missions and had an opportunity to serve with a Pioneer short-term medical team in Mali, West Africa the summer of 1991. In March of 1992 she had the privilege of visiting several former communist block countries: Russia, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Hungary while on a mission trip with a singing team. On August 11, 1992 she returned to Hungary with a team of eight from HHBC. On August 11, 2020 Val will have been serving with Pioneers in Hungary for 28 years.

Val along with nationals and other team mates had the privilege of starting AWANA and training hundreds of nationals in Hungary as well as in Romania among Hungarian speakers there. Currently she is serving in a church plant in Vecsés Hungary and also on a granddaughter early beginning church plant in Péteri while serving multiple church planting teams and workers in Europe through curriculum development and leadership training. She loves studying and teaching. She is currently co-leading a ladies Bible Study in Budafok.

English has been a wonderful tool for making connections and Val is currently teaching in the town of Péteri at the mayor’s office and facilitating an English Speaking Club as an outreach for sharing her faith. For the next two years she will be helping to facilitate the InTent training of 28 multicultural, multiethnic missionaries serving in UK, France, Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia, Czech Republic and Poland.

Cathy Thompson

Vesces, Hungary

In April 2009, Cathy was appointed as an Area Leader with Pioneers. She now serves the teams and their leaders in East Central Europe.She continues to serve in the local church in Vesces, in which she has served since it was planted in 2008. Cathy is also the European Regional Child Safety Officer for Pioneers.

Cathy has a passion for seeing missionaries and their families thriving in life and ministry and for secular people throughout Europe to hear of Christ through church planting. She is deeply involved in training both missionary and local believers in leadership and missional work. She is very thankful for Hyland Heights as such a faithful, loving, and sending church!

Brian & Tami Olling

Prishtina, Kosovo

Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting us monthly and praying for us for 30 years as we served in Korea! Now the Lord has opened a door with the same NICS mission board at our school in Prishtina, Kosovo.

What a needed and helpful blessing to be supported by a missions-minded church! We were with the ministry in Korea until June of 2019. We never thought we’d be there that long, but eventually never thought we’d ever be anywhere else. The Lord had other plans.

Now the Lord is sending us through a new door to serve in the Balkans, and we have a LOT to learn about living in a mostly nominally Muslim culture. There are both restrictions and open doors at the same time. They said the people want to know what we believe, yet we have to be careful what we say. We pray to be salt and light for the Lord there. We need a good church. We want to be used well. We need to be teachable. We need your prayers please.

Please pray that we adjust well and can be a blessing to the staff and the community there. It still feels pretty unreal. Thank you for standing with us!